Did You Know that Break-in's Increase during the Holidays?
Here are some Security Tips to help keep your Holidays Happy.

The First Year is only
$5/mo. and Other Years are only
$19.95/mo.Plus you receive our local
Award Winning Service.

HOLIDAY BONUS 1: FREE Upgrade to Simon XTi Touchscreen ($100 value)
HOLIDAY BONUS 3: Most Insurance Companies require you to have a friend or family member check on your home daily when you travel or install a monitored low temperature sensor.
Many Insurance Companies provide an additional 10% Discount with a monitored low temperature sensor. (check with your insurance broker)

Consider adding
ALARM.COM Smart Security for full control over your Home.
No Phone Line required.
ALARM.COM Plans start at $17.95/mo.

If you would like more information about this Holiday Promotion please contact our office today.
SASKATOON 306.653.3200
PRINCE ALBERT 306.922.7200