15 years ago we opened our doors for business at the Homestyles 2000 Show.
We didn't have any clients at the time however we had lot's of ideas, enthusiasm, and a passion for helping people.
Today more than 4000+ clients trust Reed Security to provide Peace of Mind. Thank You!
Stop by for a visit and help us celebrate Reed Security's 15th Birthday.
Reed Security
Booth 808
Prairieland Park
March 19 3pm to 9pm
March 20 12pm to 9pm
March 21 10am to 7pm
March 22 10am to 5pm
If you can't make it, please use this coupon to take advantage of our 15th Birthday Deals on Home and Business security systems.
Don't forget - All promos expire March 31st, 2015.

Some Facts about the year 2000:
- Roy Ramanow was the Premier of Saskatchewan
- The population of Saskatchewan was around 970,000 (today its 1.15 million)
- Jean Chretien was the Prime Minister of Canada
- The Saskatchewan Roughriders finished last with a 5-12-1 record
- The New Jersey Devils won the Stanley Cup
- Billboard's top song was Breath by Faith Hill
- American Beauty won an Oscar for Best Picture and Kevin Spacey won Best Actor
- Y2K computer bug came and went with only some minor glitches

Today is our birthday which made me reflect...
Over the past 15 years I've connected with some great business leaders, mentors, suppliers, clients, friends and family. You've all had a part in our success and I wanted to share some of the things you've taught me.
- Never Become Complacent
Thanks Wally Mah
- What You Pay Attention To Grows
Thanks Kevin O'Leary
- Never Get Too High or Low
Thanks Kent Austin
- Always Praise Your People
- Always Do The Right Thing
Thanks Steve Dillabough
- Expect Progress, Not Perfection
Thanks Heidi Dutton
- Sleep On It for 24 Hours Before Making a Decision
- Excellence Takes Effort
Thanks Mr. Watkin
- Always Trust Your Instincts - They're Right 99% of the Time
- Adapt to Change or Time Will Make the Change for You
- No Pain, No Gain / Never Give Up
- It's Better To Give Than To Receive
- You Miss 100% of the Shots You Don't Take
Thanks Wayne Gretzky
- Always Keep a Work-Life Balance
15 is intentionally left blank. It's for you to share your wisdom.
Please send your comments to virgil@reedsecurity.ca
Virgil Reed
Reed Security & Dealer Program