Today Reed Security is officially celebrating our 20th Anniversary!
When we started on March 10th, 2000 the security industry was booming and the competition was fierce. The big companies had successful door to door programs and the telephone company (SaskTel) started in the security business. 20 years later the door to door programs are still persistent and even more telephone companies (Bell, Telus/ADT) offer home and business smart security. The competition has never been greater!

"I'm proud of the business we've (not I) built. 20 years ago nobody knew who we were and we had 0 (zero) customers. Today, 5000+ homes and businesses trust Reed Security for their protection. We are a strong LOCAL brand you can Trust. What makes us different? Easy, it's our People, Culture and sense of Community!
Thank you to our Clients for supporting us for 20 years. Without you we wouldn't exist.
Thank you to all our People - staff and dealers for Caring for each other and our Clients. You make it easy.
Looking forward to another 20!"
Virgil Reed
Reed Security
#wecare #community #thankful